MPA management : Vulnerability assessment of the Zhemchug Canyon, Bering Sea

The Zhemchug Canyon in the Bering Sea needs protection...

Submarine canyons are fragile and unique ecosystems that deserve as much protection as any other ecosystems on Earth

Zhemchug canyon vulnerability assessment

Case study : Zhemchug Canyon vulnerability assessment

Geological profile, biodiversity, pressures, protection and fishing activities of Zhemchug Canyon

My work as an MPA manager scientific advisor is to be able to adapt the monitoring strategy and the scientific bases of our work to a new area with different pressures

Vulnerability assessment report: scientific bases and guidelines for monitoring

Original vulnerability assessment report : La Fonera Canyon

As MPA manager scientific advisors , we wrote a vulnerability assessment report with guidelines for monitoring for La Fonera Canyon, in the Mediterranean Sea. To test the suitability of our approach as a basis for protection of other canyons in the world, and examine the consequences of climate change, we choose the Zhemchug Canyon (Bering Sea) as a case study

Find out how species try to escape the threat of climate change

Ice-loss, rain-on-ice and other phenomena resulting from global warming endangered the species of the Bering Sea, forcing them to move to escape harsh live-confitions

MPA = Marine Protected Area

MPA are useful tools to prevent ecosystems from collasping

“Marine protected area” is a term that is used for a variety of conservation and management methods with different levels

Zhemchug canyon location

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